Thursday, December 08, 2005

Menu Analysis

Menu analysis has been a really hot topic lately - as well it should be. Independent operators do not utilize this type of analysis as much as they should. One of the offerings at GameOn! Restaurant Coaching Solutions, is menu analysis! And while it may cost you thousands of dollars to submit your menu and have it costed and analyzed, we don't believe it should cost that much for such a basic tool. Our price for a full menu analysis is only $1,250.00. That includes costing using your vendors pricing, a complete engineering analysis of each item's sales and contribution margins and the need to either extend an item further, maintain it or to simply drop it and replace it with something else. We feel this is the best deal out there for independent operators to get a professional understanding of the make-up of the most important part of their business. Contact me to talk about having us do your menu analysis now before the year's end so that you can start planning for 2006!

Have Fun Today!
Jeffrey Summers, Head Coach
GameOn! Restaurant Coaching Solutions