One Down, Two To Go!
Dear Leaders,
After much thought and persistence by everyone to get the ball rolling, the first update to the new GetGame.Biz website is up and running. There will be two more updates over the next month to add more and more content and value for everyone who has completed the free registration.
You came, you saw, we answered!
I want to thank everyone for visiting GetGame.Biz and our blog site at Last month alone we increased our traffic by 136% over last year to well over 5,000 visitors.
Look over the new site with the offerings we have currently and keep in mind that tons of content and a new user interface will be added over the next 30 days as well. Also, please don't forget to use that powerful word of mouth to let anyone that you feel may need the support know about our desire to help.
Visit Our Website Now!
Once again I thank you for your input and emails and continue to pledge my energy, passion and abilities to all of you to help make your businesses a tremendous success.
Have Fun Toady!
Jeffrey Summers, Head Coach,
GameOn! Restaurant Coaching Solutions