Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Menu strategy is about more than good tastes ...

... It’s about marketing, competitive positioning, and the ability to ride the crest of a trend.
It’s the old chicken-or-egg question—or, in this case, the chicken-or-beef question. Do quick-serve companies educate consumers about what to expect on the menu, or does menu development happen from the grassroots up?
When NPD Foodworld studied consumers and menu trends over the past year, the firm found that consumer demand has been driven recently by quick-serve companies rolling out menu offerings focused on higher quality, more innovative foods. The firm noted significant growth in foods such as higher-quality chicken products, premium burgers, and main-dish salads. In short, consumers are demanding more from menus, in large part because quick-serve companies have been providing more.
We were intrigued. So, here, QSR drills into six recent quick-serve menu additions, looking for competitive strategy and asking how well each item fulfills corporate goals and consumers’ desires. For insight and, we admit, fun, we conducted unscientific taste-tests, sometimes with surprising results.
Call them case studies in menu strategy. Taken together, these six items reveal much about the status of menu innovation in the industry—and what’s on tap for menus in 2006.